Brand Image Protection
Your brand image, an asset to be protected
There are many examples of damage to brand image or to a company’s reputation, especially nowadays owing to developments in means of communication such as the internet and the growing importance of a firm’s image.
Up until now, the insurance market tended to concentrate solely on contamination rather than on the far wider issue of brand image impairment and how to be protected from it.
Consequently and in order to meet our clients’ needs, we have decided to innovate and to design insurance solutions especially for businesses whose image plays an important role in promoting their products.
Consumer mistrust in the realm of the agro-food industry has seen a marked increase in recall campaigns, mostly as a precautionary measure. Fears are made far worse by the number of often negative reports on television.
Way beyond any damage caused by media coverage, being faced with a class action (Hamon Law, Health Law) can have a disastrous effect on a business’s reputation and/or brand image.
Product withdrawal or recall campaigns, consumer refunds, communication campaigns, to say nothing of drops in sales, are likely to have a colossal financial impact.
Every business should be prepared by planning for such a crisis.
Even if anticipated and handled well, a crisis can still have considerable financial consequences and cause serious prejudice to brand image by permanently harming consumer confidence.
Every industrial leader should think about transferring part of this risk to an insurer, within the limits of the capacity on offer on the insurance market.
Our Brand Image Protection : CAP IMAGE®

The purpose of our Brand Image Protection coverage is to cover the financial losses arising therefrom (whether direct or indirect), with no sub-limits on the sum insured.
In the aftermath of a media attack on your company or one of your brands, this solution :
- Covers any financial consequences you may suffer
- Gives you the financial means to take any necessary action (advertising, communication..) required for handling the media crisis and thereby restoring your turnover
- Provides indemnification should any of your goods be damaged by an insured loss.