Our commitments
Corporate social and environmental responsibility is a key challenge. Bessé's approach is organised around four main areas: commitment to our employees; reduction of our environmental footprint; being active, recognised and supportive in our regions; helping our customers with their actions in favour of the energy transition and to fight climate change.

It might not happen overnight, but as long as we have this intention in mind, we have every chance of attaining our goals.

To make this CSR ambition a reality, a dedicated team is working with specialist experts and business representatives. Bessé employees are very involved in the approach via group projects whose volunteer ambassadors contribute to the creation, definition and implementation of many of the actions put in place by Bessé.
In practice, this means that Bessé implements actions to ensure the fulfilment of our employees through measures to improve their quality of life at work, and by offering them the possibility of working for a meaningful family business.
We must also limit our environmental footprint, which requires knowledge of our carbon footprint and the implementation of a plan to reduce it, among other things. We also want our employees to get involved with these environmental actions by training them, by raising awareness (“fresques du climat” workshops, eco-responsible actions, etc.).
The company is also mobilised to help fight cancer, which is currently the company’s main cause. Bessé acts in various ways, including financing research at Institut Curie, raising employee awareness about the different types of cancers, helping our managers to support employees suffering from this illness with training from the Gustave Roussy centre.
Above all, we strive to remain humble, because a CSR approach is a long-term ambition that will grow along with Bessé and help us to move forward every day.

Structuring our discussions on these four areas helps us to come up with virtuous actions for the company and its employees, and for the world around us.
Découvrez notre Rapport RSE
2023 et les premiers mois de 2024 ont été une période particulièrement riche car témoin d’un regain de dynamisme sur nos actions RSE. L’ambition de Bessé est bien de prendre sa part en étant un acteur pleinement engagé sur les questions RSE. [....]
Découvrez notre Bilan Carbone
Réaliser ce premier bilan carbone s'inscrit dans une démarche volontariste devant permettre à Bessé de prendre conscience de son impact et de localiser précisément ses sources d'émissions. Elle constitue la première brique...
Some of our initiatives
Our ambition is to take part in community efforts by mobilising our employees and partners based on our causes and ideals.

We are one of the founding partners of this pioneering programme. Sirius is a year of free consolidation teaching proposed directly after a professional Baccalaureate qualification to enable young people to reveal their potential and prepare them for higher education.

Bessé invites its employees to attend collective intelligence workshops to help improve their understanding of how the climate works, how it is changing and the systemic nature of this change.

Bessé organises conferences and awareness actions for its employees all year round on national causes and specific themes, such as well-being at work, sport, working on a computer, etc.