Marine Renewable Energies
From the drawing board to operational phases, we offer assistance throughout the value chain!
A comprehensive approach
For more than ten years, Bessé has been assisting stakeholders throughout the offshore energy sector with projects ranging from construction to operations, regardless of the technology (fixed foundation or floating offshore wind turbines, tidal turbines, wave energy converters, etc.) or connection solution (offshore and onshore cables and power substations) implemented.
The team ensures constant innovation, proposing solutions to anticipate new types of market risks. A highly technical and proactive approach is applied to each industrial sector/technology.
This involves a high level of collaboration between the expert teams from the Industry & Services and Maritime departments and SOFIMAR engineers, to enable the design of insurance solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each phase of the project.
Find out more about SOFIMAR, a team of mariners and engineers working on innovative projects!

“Most goods are transported by sea, fishing resources come from the sea, wind and wave energy is generated at sea, oil and gas are extracted from beneath the sea: our seas and oceans represent a gigantic reservoir of renewable energy. As a cornerstone of the development of a new industry, insurance companies must take into account the highly specific risks of the MRE sector (both technological and financial). Due to the newness and complexity of these risks, this represents a major challenge. We have therefore decided to form a dedicated team to build insurance solutions that are specifically tailored to these new techniques.”
Responding to the challenges of marine renewable energies
During the Assises de la Mer (annual event for the French marine community), Emmanuel Macron was clear: “The 21st century will be a maritime century”, emphasising the need to “reconcile the blue economy with the protection of diversity”, which is precisely where Bessé comes in, assisting with a number of projects in this sector.
In addition to its consulting and investment capacities, Bessé has always counted on the engineering department of its Marine & Logistics division: SOFIMAR. This department has a team of mariners and engineers who all have excellent knowledge of the sea; the team helps to explain and support the individual projects.
A few key figures
Bessé is skilled in 100% of all Offshore Energy technological developments
years of experience in Offshore Energy risks

Membre du Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables depuis plus de 10 ans